Survey March 14, 2017 By Amused Leave a Comment Welcome to the Survey Name Business Email Phone Number If you were tasked with making the website into anything you wanted, what would would it be about? If this was your website would you be inclined to include: Only Christian Music/Musicians Selected/Screened Secular Music with Favor or Preference given to Christian Music/Musicians None Would the website you have in mind appeal to all ages or to a specific age group? How often do you attend live music performances annually? Not at all 1-5 events 6-10 events more than 10 events None How do you usually hear about the upcoming live music events you attend? Word of Mouth Social Media interaction Radio Website (Band, Venue, Fan, etc) Newsletter Flyers Print Advertising (Newspapers/Magazines) Ads on Websites Ads on Social Media If you buy music, where do you buy music? iTunes Amazon Google Play Other Comment If you host your music online, where do you host it? YouTube Vimeo SoundCloud HostBaby BandCamp ReverbNation NoiseTrade TopSpin MileHI Music AloneTone Other Comment How often do you purchase music in a digital format? Very Often Often Sometimes Rarely Never None How often do you purchase music in a physical format (CDs, records, cassettes, etc.)? Very Often Often Sometimes Rarely Never None How often do you stream music online? Very Often Often Sometimes Rarely Never None How often do you download music from file-sharing websites? Very Often Often Sometimes Rarely Never None How likely are you to pay for music content online instead of using a free service? Very Likely Likely Somewhat Likely Unlikely None On a typical day, how many hours do you listen to music? On a typical day, how many hours do you listen to music on the radio? On a typical day, how many hours do you listen to online streaming music? Do you use a SmartPhone to listen to music? Yes No I have a dumb phone None Which of these smart devices to you use daily? iPhone Android iPad Other Tablet How do you communicate with your friends most often? Phone Email Instant Message Facebook Instagram Twitter SnapChat Knock on the Door None What graphics would be more appealing to you as a potential customer visiting the website? Bright, Bold and Modern Plain, Simple, Few Colors Dark and Mysterious Formal, Traditional Edgy, Artsy, Original Other None Comment What question(s) would you suggest I ask in this survey that I haven't already asked? Be serious...or not. Including yourself, is there anyone who you think I should talk to about this project? Name: Email: Phone: Website: Last Question... can I compensate you for your time and effort? Yes, Send me a Starbucks Gift Card! (while supplies last). My mailing address is below: I love coffee but don't patronize Starbucks for personal reasons. I don't love coffee, send me something else. Just pay me. Nah, it's cool. None Comment Time's up